Who We Are?
Welcome to Life Builders, a thriving, welcoming Church of God congregation in Decatur, Illinois. We offer worshipers a loving environment to connect with others in our Decatur area community. We have an array of children and youth programs, community events and services fulfilling our vision:
Become All Things To All People
At Life Builders' church services, you will find an environment rich in acceptance and also conducive to gaining a deeper intimacy with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. By understanding we are disciples of the Lord, we seek to be instruments of God's transforming hand in this world. We help followers of faith to deepen their understanding while connecting communities together in the Decatur area.
Come worship with us, as we seek to advance God's kingdom.

Where we are:
833 W. Pershing, Decatur, IL 62526
We are located west of Perkins Restaurant on Pershing Road.
Service times
Sunday Morning Service - 10:30am
Wednesday Evening for all ages - 7:00pm
Giving Online
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